For the families who had lost loved ones, no words can fill the void that's been left. We all knew Colonel Ramia as a great man and a soldier. His family knew him as a son, a brother, a great father, and a beloved husband.
Colonel Joseph Ramia endures through the life of our nation. His memory will be honored in the place he lived and by the people he touched. His life's work is our security, and the freedom that we all too often take for granted. Every evening that the sun sets on our tranquil town; every dawn that a flag is unfurled; every moment that a Lebanese enjoys life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- that is the legacy of our Martyrs.
Neither this country, nor the values we live for, could exist without men and women of our Armed Forces. That is why we must pay tribute to their lives.
Colonel Joseph Ramia was a very successful student achieving his Bachelor’s degree in mathematics. He joined the Military Academy of the Lebanese Armed Forces as an Artillery Officer Cadet. He trained in many foreign countries as in The United States and Belgium and received high praise and marks from his commanding officers.
Colonel Ramia was a brilliant officer and a man of high values and ethics. At the time of President René Moawad's election, Colonel Ramia was selected to be the Aide-De-Camp of the President. Colonel Joseph Ramia was very happy and honored.
Seventeen days later in Beirut, the Colonel age 40, was assassinated with the President on Lebanon's Independence Day, 22 November 1989. The Colonel survived by his wife and four sons.
Colonel Joseph Ramia was the son of our beloved town and the son of our Lebanese military. His life was a message of honor, sacrifice and loyalty. Strength, dignity, and decency for those who he served, and that's how he will be remembered.
We are a nation that lives the truth within our military, and see it in the varied backgrounds of those we laid to rest years ago. We defend that truth and we know that Lebanon will always be found on the side of honor, sacrifice and loyalty.
Today is Colonel Joseph Ramia Memorial Day. It's a chance to pause and to pay tribute, for the young to learn the struggles that preceded them; for families to honor the service of parents and grandparents; for citizens to reflect upon the sacrifices that have been made in pursuit of a more perfect nation.
For history is filled with heroes. You may remember the stories of a grandfather who marched across a battle field; an uncle who fought for freedom; a father who served alongside the President. Here, in Mazraat el Toufah today, we pay tribute to a man who was not able to escape the loyalty and is being honored for his ultimate sacrifice.
Long after he was laid to rest -- when the war had finished, on that Sunday of November 2009 the Lebanese state, armed forces, church, home village, together with the widow and family of President René Moawad, paid their respects to an officer who died serving his country, in the presence of the officer's widow, Mrs. Hind Tabchoury Ramia.
At the Colonel's home village of Mazraat el Toufah, Mass was said at Mar Doumit Church, with Bishop Emeritus of Cairo Bishop Youssef Dergham representing Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir, officiating at the Mass. Afterwards a statue in memory of Colonel Ramia was unveiled.
The Mass and unveiling was under the auspices of General Jean Kahwaji, Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces, represented by General Abdel el Hamid Darwish who spoke as did the President's son Michel René Moawad as well as the Municipality President of Mazraat el Toufah Joseph Saleh.
Among those also attending were ex-parliament members, ex-Lebanese Commander General Ibrahim Tannous, members of Lebanon's security and intelligence services, civil defense, former colleagues, and civic dignitaries.
The Municipality of Mazraat el Toufah sends a special thank you to:
Bishop Youssef Dergham representing Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir
General Jean Kahwaji, Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces
General Abdel el Hamid Darwish
Security and Intelligence services
Lebanese Civil Defense
The late President’s Widow Nayla Moawad
The late President’s son Michel René Moawad
Ex-Lebanese Commander General Ibrahim Tannous
Former colleagues, Dignitaries and all attendee’s that honored us with their presence
Naif Alwan, for his great artistic work in sculpturing the statue
Thank you to the Mazraat el Toufah community, to each and everyone that helped and made this day possible.
Below is the speech that was delivered by the Municipality President of Mazraat el Toufah Joseph Saleh.